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Life, Faith, Confidence


Eternal Now On (E.N.O) Is A movement here to awaken the God (You) inside all. E.N.O was founded by Aaron Harvey (Tranquil) Nov/2020. The vision for E.N.O. came to Tranquil in parts after his spiritual awakening.


1st Part of the vision:

  • Everything is off-balance. Being off-balance is hurting the earth/US.

  • We must return to the natural cycle of nature. The cycle that always replenishes itself eternally.


2nd Part of the vision:

  • Heal the mind (US), and the body will follow (Earth).

  • We are all connected (We are one). 

  • The abbreviation for Eternal Now On (E.N.O) is ONE spelled backward. 


3rd Part of the Vision:

  • Eternal Now on means to remember we are energy (God), and energy is eternal!

  • The body dies, but the energy that drives the body (Our true selves) cannot die. We are all eternal.

  • We must return to the Eternal cycle of nature, and all life. The Eternal cycle must be restored.


Our Current Purpose:

*To awaken the God (You)  inside all, and build a tribe community.*


(SIDE NOTE) Once we remember who we are.... Life will be so much fun!


What we know, and stand by:


  1. We knothat we are all one no matter race, etc.....

  2. We know that everything that has life is a piece of God. 

  3. We know Heaven and hell are states of mind,  not places.

  4. We know the body dies, but we  (the energy driving the body ) do not for we are eternal energy. This thought is where our name comes from. Eternal Now On Means to remember we are Eternal beings, and not these bodies. 


Join us on this journey, and let us awaken God within together. (click here to join the tribe)

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